While there’s nothing wrong with willing suspension of disbelief, I’m one of those people who likes to pop open the proverbial hood and get into a setting’s engine. (It will undoubtedly amuse some that I have no such desire with my actual car. I want it to get me from point A to point B and back with minimal fuss.)Read More
Talk about being behind! Roland started a new blog in 2016, though it sort of fell by the wayside as we got involved with other things. He does post from time to time, though, and may write more if anyone seems interested. Check out Playing Dice with the Multiverse: Metaphysics and Gaming. UPDATE: As ofRead More
Roleplaying allows for endless storytelling possibilities. That includes creating new worlds from old ones, whether combining characters, events, alternate dimensions, or even entire new worlds. The problem is holding a setting together under the weight of mixed ideas. Solving that problem requires both ambition and moderation…Read More
What if there really were thousands of people around the world – the Awakened – who could actually change reality through working their will? How could you get from that to our world, or at least the inky World of Darkness version of it?Read More
Been a while? Robin prioritizes completing contracts, so sometimes it's a while between posts here. Feel free to reach out using the social media buttons if you have a question or comment.