
This is a guide to the Majestic universe of Weaver’s Knight. Most Codex articles will be written with an “in-universe” style, but this page is intended as a hub for easy browsing.

From the library of Benjamin Mayer:

Welcome to the Majestic Codex! This is the Alliance wiki for the quick-and-dirty answers to the metric ton of questions you have as a newly Empowered Adept. More detailed information can be found on the secure servers, or hopefully from your Mentor. Oh, and yes, there are lots of Important Capital Letters. Welcome to the Alliance. πŸ™‚

Notice: due to guerrilla editing by Havoc Absolute (and possibly the Sovereign Mandate), the Codex is currently locked. All further participation is by invitation only, with each account verified and tracked. Besides, this Codex is for the new kids. Kindly take your axe grinding to the relevant forums.

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