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Subject: Elasticity
Interviewee: Carl "Loco" Lindstrom, gangster
Excerpt from Interview: The boys and I were in the living room of our hideout. I was pitching a butt into the fireplace when I noticed an ear hanging there, attached to a long fleshy tube. "Cripes, it's Dibny!" I yell. I run for the door, looking back to see these long thin pink snakes come out and grab Romper and The Bean. Then the snakes join together and I see its these freaky long stretched out hands on purple arms! I turn to run and there's this foot on the end a long skinny purple leg. It catches me on the chin and I'm out.
Subject: Environment
Agent: Operative 367
Excerpt from Field Report: Subject Green Lantern detected in orbit with three different ladies on three different occasions. That guy has all the luck.
Note: Operative is clearly unfamiliar with the subject's current relationship difficulties.
Subject: Extra Body Part
Excerpt from Field Report: "With your wings sealed together by my adhesivor ray, Hawkman, you're beaten!"
Note: Remark by the Shadow Thief. Subject was wrong, as usual.
Subject: Extra Body Part
Interviewee: Andrew Trembley, owner, Chez Andrew hair salon
Excerpt from Interview: How did I ever get to be so lucky? Oh, I could just die. I was doing the hair for the wife of Wendall Boomgarden, the oil baron, when these tacky thieves came in and tried to rob the place. Well, I don't mind telling you that my salon has the finest...okay, the richest women in New York coming here. Anyway, everyone was screaming and yelling and I just started the permanent, wouldn't you know! Well, this brute with a gun comes over and demands Lois' purse—that's Mrs. Boomgarden, isn't she a dear? Lois is about to hand it over—it's just money, when I see something funny. This long flowing blonde hair comes up behind him like some kind of, oh, I don't know, a hairy snake? I swear that the hair tapped Mister Badguy on the shoulder. When he turned, the hair balled up like a fist and punched him! No, I am not making this up! He goes flying back and the hair lunges after him, wrapping him up like this big blonde boa. I follow the hair back to its roots and there's this woman there with this incredible head of hair chasing the badguys. She was fighting four badguys and not moving from where she's standing. Then I recognize her. It's Godiva, the British super hero! In my salon! Well, once the police came and took the criminal element away, I just had to offer her a shampoo and trim. She turned down the trim—I can see why!—but took me up on the shampoo. It was incredible. We had everyone on the shampoo staff working on her at once. I even helped! It's incredible. The hair moved like millions of little snakes. And such a nice color!
Subject: Immunity
Interviewee: Pamela Isley (see file: Poison Ivy), Arkham inmate
Excerpt from Interview: "I don't understand why such big, strong men are interested in my little...gift. Can't the mighty D.E.O. handle a touch of...poison ivy?"
Note: Interview was immediately prior to subject's latest escape. Both agents are still recovering.
Subject: Infravision
Interviewee: Carl "Loco" Lindstrom
Excerpt from Interview: The boss supplied all his guys with these special goggles. The heist was going down at midnight. When we were all inside, a bomb blew the power. The lights went out. We turned on the goggles and suddenly we were seeing by infrared light. People were red with a yellow core. The guards couldn't see us; they were easy to grab and tie up. The loot was a little harder to see, since it was the same temperature as the rest of the money room. I was complaining about this when somebody said "Need a light?" and there's this flare of bright white light. Man, my goggles burned out and all I could see were these green dots everywhere. I get arrested and I never even see who did it! I hate super heroes.
Note: A memo on Infravision was included on p. 51 of the DoS. Two were written; this is the other one.
Subject: Invisibility
Interviewee: Mister Terrific (newest)
Excerpt from Interview: ...But I have no idea why androids can see me. Must be something in the intellect processor. [Wish I could take Hourman apart again and see why he can see me.]
Note: Most of this memo was included on p. 52 of the DoS; the bracketed section was blacked out.
Subject: Invisibility
Agent: Operative 4182
Excerpt from Field Report: Subject J'onn J'onzz (see file: Martian Manhunter) followed from JLA transport tube to nearby grocery store. Subject purchased three different varieties of chocolate, creme-filled cookies and two gallons of milk. (Subject attracted a fair amount of attention while shopping.) Subject then left store, flew approximately ten feet into the air, and vanished from sight.
Note: This is the second memo on Invisibility submitted for possible use in the DoS. Report follows operative's final attempt to discern any of the Martian Manhunter's terrestrial identities
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