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Subject: Precognition
Agents: Observation Team Epsilon
Excerpt from Field Report: "Morons. How do you guys get hired, anyway—your boss pick you out of the phone book? You can't surprise a man who knows what you're going to do before you do it! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
Note: Reportedly the last thing heard by team before succumbing to knockout gas.
Subject: Psychic Blast
Agent: Operative 367
Excerpt from Field Report: "She's just a psychic. Wear your neural shock dampener and you'll be fine. HA!"
Note: Remark made by agent upon waking up, after a failed attempt to follow a suspected metahuman.
Subject: Psychic Manifestation
Agent: Operative 4182
Excerpt from Field Report: "The first joker who tells me to 'use the Source, Luke' will be obliged."
Note: Remark by agent after spontaneously manifesting a glowing green sword.
Subject: Speak with Animals
Interviewee: Arthur Curry (see file: Aquaman)
Excerpt from Interview with S.T.A.R. Labs marine biologist: Cetacean culture? There isn't much to say, really. They're peaceful artists among their own kind, and only fight members of other species in self-defense. Their songs and stories are more beautiful than anything I've ever heard from humanity. Their only unpleasant habit is being carnivorous, and that's a function of their biology. I don't talk about it much because humans who hear this tend to be intimidated by the utopian nature of it.
Subject: Speak with Inanimates
Interviewee: Carl "Loco" Lindstrom, petty criminal
Excerpt from Interview: I was acting as muscle for a bank job. We were in the vault, following the safecracker. I was expecting him to get out a stethoscope or whatever they use but he just walks up to the wall and starts talking to the lock. I'm not making this up! He's acting like he's buttering up a patsy, talking about what a great steel door this safe has and could it tell him the combination. Then he says "Thank you" and starts turning the dial. Six, seven turns, there's a click, and the door opens!
Subject: Speak with Plants
Excerpt from Field Report: "You think you know the Green? You know nothing. Nothing. The Green cannot see, but it hears. It feels. It knows, Dr. Faulkner. How can you stop a man who is one with the Green?"
Note: Remark made by the Floronic Man, earlier in his career.
Subject: Spirit Gestalt
Interviewee: Fred Hutchinson, NYPD, retired
Excerpt from Interview: I remember Captain Triumph. Most people don't. His twin brother had been murdered by gangsters—it seemed to happen a lot back then—anyway, the brother's ghost didn't leave. When trouble happened, the living brother touched his birthmark and yelled "Triumph!" I guess that made the ghost join forces with him. Somehow the two lives in one body made him ten times as fast, ten times as strong. He was a good Joe.
Subject: Spirit Storage
Interviewee: Lee Schneider, Kordco Electronics Advanced Research Center
Excerpt from Interview: We were working on a plasma containment chamber for future fusion reactors. We had been provided with new circuitry modules by S.T.A.R. Labs and asked to factor their effects into our tests. The first test series went well; the new equipment was able to contain thermal and electromagnetic forces without measurable leakage. When we were in the process of switching to gamma-ray containment, a power surge altered the equipment's operating systems. The readouts showed we had caught something in the field. We couldn't see it at first, but as we retuned the equipment, we began to see a humanoid figure. He had a white head and a red bodysuit. There was a large capital D on his chest. I remember he looked, well...puzzled at being there. Then he got agitated and moving rapidly around the containment field, beating on it and slamming into it with his shoulders. We were so surprised by what was going on that we didn't notice the smoke coming from the new modules. There was a short-circuit, the containment field collapsed, and the entity was gone.
Subject: Telekinesis
Interviewee: "Bibbo," resident of the waterfront district in Metropolis
Excerpt from Interview: Supergirl was fighting that nutjob, Flash-Fixation Girl, you know, "Lady Flash" or whatever she's calling herself nowadays. The witch was too fast for Supergirl to tag, but all those punches could do was annoy her. Finally Supergirl's face sets, and she just concentrates on keeping her eyes on the speedster. All Lady Flash did was stop for a second, looked like she was gettin' set for a straight charge, and suddenly she gets hit with a clothesline. Not a wrestlin' move, a rope. While she's tryin' to get herself loose, Supergirl keeps staring, and a bucket, a tire, an ice cream cone, and one a' them special WHIZ radios all bounce off that psycho's head. I dunno why Flash Girl didn't vibrate out—maybe she was just as surprised as the rest of us.
Subject: Telepathy
Excerpt from Field Report: "Rudy, No! Shift back to Lois! You'll
lose the psychological edge!"
"No! The world has to know it's me!"
"Rudy, I warned you about exerting yourself!"
"Yah took it all from me. Now ya'll get what yah deserve!"
"I'm scared. I wanna go home."
"Please, I just want to find my children."
"Shut up! Shut up, all of you!"
Note: Remark by the Parasite, recorded during a fight with Superman. (5)
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