Critical Failure
This is about honor.
If I am the first word you’re getting about this, leaks from Wizards of the Coast (a Hasbro subsidiary, and trust me, this is important right now) have revealed a plan to “deauthorize” the original version of its Open Gaming License, 1.0(a), and replace it with a new version. A relatively recent article from Gizmodo about this fiasco can get you up to date about what Hasbro planned and where we stand as of this writing.
The fan base has had a great many issues with the new license, not the least of which is that is in no way “open,” but IMO the attempt to “deauthorize” the original OGL 1.0(a) is the most egregious, both from an ethical standpoint and in the public opinion backlash that came from it. The TL;DR version is that by every indication we have, Wizards/Hasbro wants to destroy the old OGL despite the fact that it was intended to be irreversible. They gave their word, and now they’re planning to betray everyone who relied on that oath despite their disingenuous statements to the contrary. Read More
Critical Success
Just a day ago, there was a fear that Hasbro and Wizards would never back down. The gaming community was furious and heartbroken. Our sense of betrayal was palpable.
Wizards of the Coast didn’t just back down. They learned their lesson. Not only has Wizards stated that they will not attempt to revoke the OGL, they’re putting the entire SRD 5.1 in a Creative Commons license to prove that they’re serious about making this status permanent. They have, almost literally, put their money where their mouths are. Read More